Mission statement

ok... so there are hundreds of blogs out there about making money on the internet. So, what makes this any different? well for one thing, if you are looking at this blog right now, that means you still want to make more money, even after reading all those blogs about making money. This blog is going to show you my step by step progress in all the ways i make money online. i make around $3000 to $3500 a month online. they come from multiple sources and takes time at first. I make a few hundred here and there every month. If you would like some miracle program or system that makes tens of thousands a month...than you can go and spend your well earned money on any one of those "make money online" sites, where they sell you ebooks...just remember to come back after you failed...

if you are anything like me and want a more realistic approach at making a living online, than stick around and check back on this blog from time to time. cause im going to show you all the ways i make money and how i use them and will keep you updated on my profits. if i try something new my readers will be the first to know about it and i will keep you informed every step of the process and will honestly tell you if its worth trying or not.

Remember, i will do all this for FREE...WHY? well, i dont have to explain why...if you think im trying to scam you somehow with this blog your are free to leave now!

But for thoses that really wonder why....i having been looking for this kind of blog or website but havent found any in the past 3 years...so i want to help as many of you out there as possible...but what do i gain? money. you will find ads all over this blog... but i will not ask you for a single dime! so relax im not trying to con you. all i ask is that you come back time to time if you find my blog to be helpful. feel free to email with any questions and/or request to review a product or system you are interested in.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

how i make $400/month in adsense

ok so if you know anything about internet marketing or have tried to make money online...than i bet you have used adsense before.

the common and most used method would be the "content" site method.
in this method the webmaster builds a website that is information based aimed at a certain niche or a concentrated group of readers.

i too have started this way. i made a website that teaches people how to solve the Rubic's cube. it is a hobby of mine. and i am in love with the little puzzle.

soon after making the site i added Adsense. i get anywhere from 3000 to 5000 unique hits per month. and make around $100 (+or - 10) per month. well,...i figured that wasnt going to cover the rent. so, i made an effort to bring more visitors to the site using SEO and other traffic building techniques. but i failed....as many of you probably experienced.

what i found was....this.

although it's an easy concept. when tried in real life its very hard and time consuming to build up one website. so i made more sites and blogs. each site only making $1 or $2 dollars a month.

so, how do i get $400? hhahahaha...i make more than 300 of these little niche blogs. and added Adsense...

now, with this method comes the question.....isn't that more time consuming?...and where do you get the traffic for all 300 blogs?...well, the good thing about using Blogger.com is that it is owned by Google...which means as soon as you make the site it is indexed...and getting indexed bring free traffic...so i didnt have to do a damn thing for those traffics....and you dont need too much traffic to make $1 a month.

is it time consuming? yes it was...at first i made every blog manually...that was hell...but soon after i found a program that generates multiple blogs in minutes and adds content in minutes as well...so, i was able to make about 30 blogs a day with auto updating content. at first there wasn't much traffic to these blogs but as it automatically addes content i started getting traffic and i was making $1 to $2 dollars on all my blogs...add that to my Rubic's cube site and im making around $400 on Adsense....

but recently some of my blogs have been shut down cause it was noted as spamblog. but no worries....i just make more with a click of a button...

now. thats one of the many ways i make a living on the internet...is it for you? maybe and maybe not. you have to find out yourself..

if you want more detailed help regarding this email me leave a comment and i will get back to you.

p.s. if you like Rubic's CUbes as well check out my site... http://sysproject.110mb.com